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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

New Name, Same Format

Hello readers! I will bet you thought I had abandoned you. That could not be further from the truth. I truly do love writing and am honestly trying to keep up with it, even though it doesn't appear so.

I have changed the title of my blog and I truly hope you like it. I have been stewing over it for a while and this is what I came up with. I am not interested in the typical "All Male" blogs that you may be accustom to. The idea that men can only talk sports and sex is a fallacy. REAL MEN can talk about love, life, faith, and country. We can put our feelings out there without worry of losing our so called "man card". I would much rather be part of a group of men that can say, without hessitation, that they love their wifes, their children, their faith, and their country, than to be surrounded by a bunch of macho neanderthals who grunt, scratch, and spill food and beer all over themselves.

If you notice by the date of this post, it is election day in America. One of the most important days in the lives of democracy and people who live in a free society, yet more than half of them will not vote. There are people in oppressed countries all over the world that are giving their lives for the opportunity to have a say in the political decission of their contries and we sit at home watching television, complaining about the 10,000 political adds we have seen and heard over the past several months. I don't understand it.

Another thing that confuses me is the way some people decide who to vote for. Clint Eastwood supports this guy, Gen. Colin Powell supports that guy. Who cares who supports who? Do a little home work. Information in the 21st century is more available to more people than ever before and yet we will sit and watch the most trended "Youtube" videos all day and then listen to the opinion of someone else when it comes to making decisions that will effect not only our lives, but the lives of generations to come.

I am not telling you who to vote for and I never will. I am incouraging you to get informed. Stop thinking your voice isn't heard. If our Forefathers thought that way our country would have never even be established. I believe in America. I believe in what we stand for in the world. I also don't have my head burried in the sand. I know there are changes that need to be made both domestically and abroad, but NOTHING can change if WE THE PEOPLE don't facilitate that change.

It is up to us people. Are you tired of going with the flow? Are you tired of policies being shoved down your throat? Then get out and do something about it. Don't be just another sheep in the flock. Step out and step up. No matter what you think, we are still and always will be the GREATEST nation in the world. Do your part to help keep it that way.