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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Is This Why We Elect Senators?

I just read an article written by The Associated Press and posted on that made my blood boil. The article is titled, "Senators urge MLB to Ban Tobacco" dated October 18, 2011. Apparently the People of the United States of America voted in members of the Senate so they could eliminate the use of "smokeless tobacco" products from Major League Baseball. Shockingly, millions of children are going to take up the habit by watching the World Series and it is the job of our public servants to prevent that from happening. Two separate letters were written and sent to the head of the MLB Players Union, Michael Weiner (not another Weiner) stating, "''When players use smokeless tobacco, they endanger not only their own health, but also the health of millions of children who follow their example.'' These letters were signed by Senators Dick Durbin of Illinois, Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Senate health comity chairman Tom Harkin of Iowa. This coupled with the relentless inquisitions about the use of performance enhancing drugs in Baseball should have the economic problems in this country cleaned up by the year 2215. What the heck are these people thinking? I am not sure, but I have never seen on any ballet a mandate from the people to have our elected officials clean up baseball. I'm not even sure the American people think baseball is dirty. As a matter of fact, everyone I have ever talked to about this subject agree if the players, or anyone else for that matter, want to destroy their own body that is their right to do so. I am not condoning the habit mind you. I personally think it is disgusting and could never see myself doing it. I do, however; have friends who dip and chew and I have yet to turn them in to the authorities. This nonsense that the children watching are going to pick up the habit is ludicrous. If we use the Senators logic, does that mean if children were to watch C-Span they would become lying, cheating, over paid adulterers? Maybe we should have an inquisition of the Senators and clean up Washington...oh, that's right, we do have that. It's called election day and it is things like this that drive me to encourage everyone to get out and vote these guys out of office. We need men and women in office that understand the abbreviation for United States in US and that is who they work for.
If I recall the Declaration of Independence starts out, "We the people..," not, “We the elected officials,” so let's stop being sheep herded where ever they see fit and become involved in our most sacred right as a free nation and get out and vote. All I ask is educate yourself of the issues and where each candidate stands before you vote. Let’s get the RIGHT people representing US and our interests before there is no US left.

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