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Monday, October 10, 2011

Welcome to my thoughts

Hello readers and welcome to my thoughts. I have been wanting to do this for quite some time now but never seem to find the time to get started, so today I decided was the day to start. I am a 46 year old red blooded American male who has been married to the most remarkable woman in the world for 25 wonderful years. I say that not because she is going to read this, but because I actually mean it. It boggles my mind that people find out how long I have been married and look at me like I am some kind of freak. I have been married this long because this wasn't something to try and I didn't go into it with false expectations. Until Death Do Us Part was the real deal for us and no matter what happens we will grow old together and die together. My wife is the Recreations Director for a Nursing Home in Denver and is one of the most caring and loving people I know. She sincerely cares about the quality of life the residents in her facility have and goes over and above to prove that each and every day. I am not sure I have every met a person with a bigger heart than my wife and I hope that if I ever have to be in a nursing home I have a care taker such as her. I don't think the company she works for realizes just how lucky they are to have her. I am the proud father of two strapping young men 23 & 21. They have been the light of my life. It does, however; baffle me that two people can come from the same parents, live in the same home, and become such different personalities. My oldest has recently received his Associates Degree in Fire science and is now continuing his education dreaming of on day becoming a Firefighter. My youngest is an Artist. I say that like it is just some thing but it isn't. He is an amazing artist and I know one day he will be a huge success in his chosen field. He is attending Metro State College and will soon graduate with a degree in art. I am more proud of them both than I could ever write on a piece of paper. Both of them will make wonderful husbands and fathers one day, but I am in no hurry for them to make that move. I want them both to take as long as they need to find the right person to make their life partner.
Now that all of that is over and you know me a little bit better, I am going to let you know about my goals for this blog. I did some research of blogs that are written by men and it seemed they all had some things in common that I will be avoiding in my blog. First, I don't feel that it is necessary to have pictures of scantily clad women on every page in order to keep a man's attention. I know it is hard to believe, but not all men see every woman as a sex object. Second, there will be no vulgar language in my blogs. I am finishing my education as we speak and I believe I am intelligent enough to get my point across with out the use of profanity. Third, even though I enjoy an occasional beer or two, this will not be the topic of any of my blogs. I do not feel I require alcohol to make me interesting or to find a way to deal with my issues. Again, I am sure I can find a way to solve problems and find friends without it. Fourth, I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ, however; I will not be thumping you with the bible in this blog. I will state my beliefs occasionally and I believe as a believer I should, but if I read my scripture well enough, Jesus said come to me and left it up to the FREE WILL of the person to decide. I pray for all of you and hope one day you will have a relationship with Christ, but that is your call not mine. Lastly, I at one time considered myself a Republican. That was before all of the parties decided to do what was best for them and totally forget about those of us who voted them in. I now lean on my own conservative views and vote for the person I feel is best for the job. I did not vote for President Obama but since he is the President I consider him my President. It is now up to me and people like me to make sure we have someone else in that office the next go round.
This has been a small look into who I am and over time I am sure you will get to see a little deeper inside. I will do my level best to not show my bad side (we all have a bad side) and make my entries as interesting and enjoyable. Thank you for clicking in and reading. Please check back often for new topics that I hope you will enjoy and interact with. I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you over the years.

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